Helping people think through challenges from a different perspective
Our Approach.
Step Back. See the patterns in your life that have become counterproductive. Interrupt them. Define a new path forward.

We host small group, training seminars for motivated individuals, couples, and/or families.
The seminar groups meet once-a-month for three hours. The group is centered around each individuals effort to define themselves in the context of their relationship systems. Each seminar meeting is comprised of a facilitator presentation, group discussion, and participant presentations on their efforts.
This structure and time frame allows people to engage and absorb the material, and to become invested in the development of their own project and progress. It creates a space of curiosity and exploration, both of which are necessary for growth.
The group environment provides a context that stimulates reflection as you have the privilege to listen to the stories of others, to hear their thinking, and witness their efforts to make change in their lives for the better.
What to Expect.

Get “calm” about other’s anxiety, especially when directed at you
Separate your emotions and reactions from that of others so that you can plan your next best step
Become more observant of how you function, especially your automatic behaviors and reactions
Learn what influences those automatic reactions and how they contribute to the reactions of others
Build a plan for managing yourself in the anxious atmosphere
Learn how relationship triangles work (e.g., mom-dad-child), what position you tend to take, and what you can do to make the triangle work for you
Clarify boundaries between you and others
Define your inner compass and make a plan for yourself in your important relationships